How to configure BSNL Broadband for Ubuntu 10.04

Hi all,

I had trouble connecting BSNL Broadband in Ubuntu 10.04. I used the following steps to configure it and now my Internet connection is working pretty good.

Step 1: Open up the Terminal

Step 2: Type

                       sudo pppoeconf

         This command will automatically detect your interfaces, 
         so keep the Modem ON.

Step 3: A prompt box will open now and after few clicks on yes, 
         you will be prompted for username and next for password,
         provide that.

Step 4: Now it will ask you about connection type,
             1. To activate connection on every system startup
             2. Do you want to activate connection right now
         Give your option.

         On the last screen it will show you the commands to 
         activate and deactivate the connection.

To Activate the connection again use,
                      sudo pon dsl-provider

To Terminate the connection use,
                      sudo poff dsl-provider

Enjoy and Welcome to Ubuntu 🙂

How to Create your Own Books from Wikipedia

Hi all,
This post is about how to create your own books from Wikipedia.

Step 1: Create an account in Wikipedia by clicking the Login on the
top right corner. You only need to give your mail id and password.

Step 2: After you Login, Open a page of your Interest.
Step 3:
         In the same page in the left hand side of the browser there
will be Print/export option in that you have to enable the book 
creator by selecting Create a book option.
Step 4:
       Now you can add pages to your book, by simply clicking  
Add this page to your book option. Every time you do so, the number
of pages will automatically get updated.

       If there is a link then simply hover your mouse over the link
and a pop up will give you an option to link that page to your book.
You can also add categories to your book by clicking
Add this category to your book option.

Step 5:
        After you are done with adding pages click Show book option,
where you can edit and add further details of your book.

Step 6:

       Now the finished book can be downloaded as PDF or Open Office 
document or ordered as a bound book.

Instead of individually downloading article pages as PDF’s we can now systematically arrange it into a PDF book for off-line perusal. Its really fun isn’t it .

I have added 3 pages and 2 categories to my book and downloaded a book of 6.5 MB size. Here is my  book about Anne Frank 🙂

Biographies of Famous and Inspirational people on-line

Hi friends,

I am reading a book about Anne Frank, “The Diary of a Young Girl”. Its a remarkable book and it is one of the most moving personal documents to come out of Second World War. As I want to read more about Anne Frank, I searched google and apart from Wikipedia, I found some websites which are really interesting.

The websites mentioned below are good source to read about Biographies of Famous and Inspirational people on-line.

Happy reading 🙂

Best Linux & Windows Software Links

Hi all, while searching yesterday I came through this webpage. Hope this is helpful.

Linux Softwares:

Best of Linux Softwares

>>Best Of: Linux Software Page

This Page is populated by 100 of the best free Linux apps available.
If you use Linux or planning to use later check out this page.

Windows Softwares:

Best of Windows Softwares

>>Best Of: Windows Software Page

This page contains Best of 117 free Windows programs available.
Check out this page. 🙂

Tips to use Google effectively

After going through a lot of topics, I decided this topic as
my first blog post. Hope this is helpful to all.




site To search a particular website site:
define To find definitions of a particular word define: url
info To find quick information about a website info:
time To find time of a particular city, state or country time: Delhi, India
intitle To restrict search to just the title of a webpage intitle: bluetooth
intext To search only the text of a webpage which ignores allthe links, titles & URLs intext: firewall
filetype To search a particular type of file GSM filetype: pdf
sunrise To know the precise timing of sunrise in a particular place sunrise: Delhi
sunset To know precise sunset timings sunset: Chennai
starting currency in desired currency Currency conversion Indian rupees in US dollars


Google Q&A
A answer feature built directly into
the web search
Abdul kalam birthday

Happy Browsing!! 🙂