How to add ClustrMaps to your WordPress blog

Hi all,

As I wanted to know the site visitors for my blog. I went through some googling and finally added ClustrMaps to my blog. Here is how i did that,

ClustrMaps helps you to locate all site visitors. ClustrMaps provides not only the site statistics but also a map to see where the visitors are from. The bigger the red dot the more viewers you have in that area.

How to add ClustrMap,

1. You can create a ClustrMap for your blog @ ClustrMaps.

2. Once you make a map for your blog, they’ll give you a small html code which is to be inserted in your blog.

3. Copy & Paste the html code to the Text plug-in to your blog. (i.e dashboard <Appearance < Widgets) and save it.

 It could take a day for the map to get active.

Now just add ClustrMaps to your site and Enjoy 🙂

How to Create your Own Books from Wikipedia

Hi all,
This post is about how to create your own books from Wikipedia.

Step 1: Create an account in Wikipedia by clicking the Login on the
top right corner. You only need to give your mail id and password.

Step 2: After you Login, Open a page of your Interest.
Step 3:
         In the same page in the left hand side of the browser there
will be Print/export option in that you have to enable the book 
creator by selecting Create a book option.
Step 4:
       Now you can add pages to your book, by simply clicking  
Add this page to your book option. Every time you do so, the number
of pages will automatically get updated.

       If there is a link then simply hover your mouse over the link
and a pop up will give you an option to link that page to your book.
You can also add categories to your book by clicking
Add this category to your book option.

Step 5:
        After you are done with adding pages click Show book option,
where you can edit and add further details of your book.

Step 6:

       Now the finished book can be downloaded as PDF or Open Office 
document or ordered as a bound book.

Instead of individually downloading article pages as PDF’s we can now systematically arrange it into a PDF book for off-line perusal. Its really fun isn’t it .

I have added 3 pages and 2 categories to my book and downloaded a book of 6.5 MB size. Here is my  book about Anne Frank 🙂